What’s meta info in photos?
The many digital cameras would like to record some extra data in the digital photo, these extra data is mainly called to Exif(Exchangeable Image File Format) info, they consist of many pairs of tag name and value, more advanced digital cameras has provided GPS info in digital photo, that mainly indicates geo-coordinates(i.e, where the photo is catched from).
Veiwing and Editing one or more photos containing meta info.
Clicks on ‘File > Open’ menu, then choosing some photos in ‘Choose photos’ dialog, the valid photos formats have the extension of .jpg or .jpeg.
GeneRally, you frequently work on ‘Main view/edit’ place, for each opened photo, the list panel of ‘Exif info’, ‘GPS info’, ‘Meta info’, ‘Comment’ is always appeared regardless of actually existing that info. If any photos have more rich info like maker-note, there will automatically add ‘Maker note’ list panel for the photos.
As you saw, the opened photos is laying out ‘Photo list’ panel as thumbnails. When you left clicking on the thumbnail of the photo, the photo has been selected and the related info(Exif info, GPS info, Meta info, Comment, Maker-note) has been refreshed and related to the selected photo.
Here, we demonstrate how to update/add/delete some tags for the first photo, all operations is in the ‘Exif info’ list panel.